EVERY SINGLE LIE By Rachel Vincent
I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Published by Bloomsbury YA on 1/12/21
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 324
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Nobody in sixteen-year-old Beckett's life seems to be telling the whole story. Her boyfriend Jake keeps hiding texts, which could mean he's cheating on her. Her father lied about losing his job and so much more before his shocking death. And everyone in school seems to be whispering about her and her family behind her back.
But none of that compares to the day Beckett finds the body of a newborn baby in a gym bag--Jake's gym bag--on the floor of her high school locker room. As word leaks out, rumors that Beckett's the mother take off like wildfire in a town all too ready to believe the worst of her.
Beckett soon finds herself facing threats and accusations both heartbreaking and dangerous. Nobody believes her side of the story, and as the police investigation unfolds, she discovers that everyone has a secret to hide and the truth could alter everything she thought she knew.
Short and Sweet Review
Let’s just get into this. Beckett skips school but ends up remembering she has a test to take so she does end up in school and while in the girls locker room she finds a baby in a duffle bag, unfortunately the baby is dead. Anyway everyone in town starts to think that Beckett was the mother of the baby and start calling her a baby killer. It gets even worse when media and an online presence of supporters for the baby start making their anger known.
The premise of this book is what drew me in. I was interested to follow the mystery and see how everything would unfold. Beckett was an okay character but she was not detective material. I think that’s what frustrated me most about the Beckett was she would get a lead and then confront a potential suspect with a clue she blew out of proportion and then take back what she said because she would get evidence that would clear them, she did this more than once. The romance was okay, Beckett thought Jake was cheating on her and broke up with him but they try to work things out. Beckett also has a lot of family problems, her dad recently died and her mom works late hours and is barely home so its mainly Beckett and her brother and her sister.
Overall this was an okay book I think things could’ve been better, starting with Beckett she wasn’t a character I really related to. I felt bad about all of the threats she was receiving and that no one would believe her side of the story. I also felt like the pacing was a little slow and that might have been because of how bad Beckett’s detective skills were. There were things that could have been better but in the end Every Single Lie fell flat.