TOO SCARED TO SLEEP By Andrew Duplessie

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

TOO SCARED TO SLEEP By Andrew DuplessieToo Scared to Sleep by Andrew Duplessie
Published by Clarion Books on 10/10/23
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, Young Adult
Pages: 243
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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A garbage disposal that feeds on flesh . . .

A beloved stuffed rabbit that cooks up your parents . . .

Roses that require human blood to bloom . . .

From blood-chilling horror to supernatural scares, this collection of short stories from debut author Andrew Duplessie offers something to stoke anyone’s fear factor. But that’s only the beginning. In a first-ever twist, each story also comes with a pulse-pounding video that deepens the horror. Point your phone at the QR code and be prepared to scream! Maybe even share it with your friends, if you dare.

Ready or not, Too Scared to Sleep will answer the question: How brave are you, really?

Short and Sweet Review

Too Scared to Sleep is a book full of short stories that are scary in different ways. There’s been plenty of books like this and the one that pops into my head is Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, but what makes Too Scared to Sleep stand out is that after each story there’s a QR code that you scan with your phone and it’ll take you to a video relating to the story.

The writing was great and I love how each set of stories had its own theme, my favorite theme was probably the one about trusting people too much and having to face the consequences. I do believe that the writing and QR codes takes this book to a different level because while you’re reading you’re able to have a picture in your head about what’s going on but the videos actually show what the author had in mind. Each story was different some more gory and creepy while others are more psychological.

This book is one you can read in one sitting and its a fun one to go through. If you liked Goosebumps as a kid or even read Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark then this book is right up your alley!