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Series: Clown in a Cornfield #3
Published by HarperTeen on 8/20/24
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 448
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Quinn has just survived yet another bloody run-in with the murderous clown Frendo, but somehow still she knows this won’t be the last. Tired of being hunted and seeing innocent people hurt, Quinn believes the only way to beat the horror is to take justice into her own hands--and stop the Frendo followers herself. Little does she know that this path will take her across cornfields and state lines, to where she will have to face the most dangerous and bloody menace yet: True believers.
Short and Sweet Review
Since the last book, Quinn has taken it upon herself to bring the Frendo followers to justice and she’s become like an urban legend. When Quinn started this she knew at some point she would have to cut the snake off the head, but this quest takes her across state lines and to the front door of true Frendo believers.
I will start out by saying of the three books in this trilogy this one was my least favorite. If I remember correctly the other books had multiple POVs in there, this book also did the same, but I wanted more focus on Quinn. We get the POV of Frendo followers and we meet someone named Tabitha who lives in the new Kettle Springs that has been infiltrated by Frendo believers. I understand why we have Tabitha’s POV we get to see what happened to her town and how crazy this cult has become. I feel like Tabitha is also a main character in this book based on how much time we spend on her. Tabitha is one of the only kids who originally grew up in the town and we see that she doesn’t agree with the new town leaders but she has no choice but to stay complacent. I did like her character because she knew right from wrong and even with the pressure to conform she followed her gut instincts. Quinn on the other hand is trying to find the leader of this cult and she’s been following different leads. Quinn ends up meeting a guy and for a while they stick together. I liked this duo but with all of the trauma that Quinn has experienced I don’t think she could find it in her to care about another person and start a romance. This book stuck with the theme of gruesome killings and the whole Frendo thing. The cult was interesting and it’s crazy to think about how cults even form. The ending was okay but it left me wanting more and not more as in another book, but I felt it was anticlimactic and incomplete.
For the most part I liked this book, but it was missing components that would have taken it from good to amazing. I wish we had more of Quinn, and that the ending didn’t feel like a let down. I did like this trilogy and it would be great to read during October, but books one and two definitely outshine this one.