THIN AIR By Kellie M. Parker
I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Published by Razorbill on 10/17/23
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 319
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Seventeen-year-old boarding school student Emily Walters is selected for an opportunity of a lifetime—she’ll compete abroad for a cash prize that will cover not only tuition to the college of her choice, but will lift her mother and her out of poverty.
But almost from the moment she and 11 other contestants board a private jet to Europe, Emily realizes somebody is willing to do anything to win. Between keeping an eye on her best friend’s flirty boyfriend and hiding her own dark secrets, she’s not sure how she’ll survive the contest, much less the flight. Especially when people start dying…
As loyalties shift and secrets are revealed, Emily must figure out who to trust, and who’s trying to kill them all, before she becomes the next victim.
Short and Sweet Review
Emily is chosen for the opportunity of a lifetime, she’s going abroad to France for a chance to win a cash prize that will allow her to choose the college of her choice, and help her and her mother get out of poverty. When Emily boards the plane she realizes that her other 11 competitors are no joke, and someone is even willing to kill to get what they want.
So Emily and her fellow competitors are on this plane for the next twelve hours and someone knows all of their secrets and isn’t afraid to pull them out. When the first game is started everyone notices that something is off and someone must be playing a prank on them but things continue to go down hill, especially when students are being killed. This was an interesting take because there’s 12 people anyone of them could be a suspect and there also stuck on a flight for 12 hours so there’s really no escaping. Emily was an okay character, she’s having some troubles on home and also she really doesn’t belong on the flight for reasons I don’t want to spoil. Anyway Emily does know one person on the plane her best friend Nikki’s boyfriend that she has a crush on for whatever reason because homeboy is the definition of trash. Speaking of her friend Emily loves to bring that girl up but for what reason, she’s not on this flight but it starts to make sense once secrets are revealed. The pacing was okay, but I also think its pretty predictable because you know its someone on the plane and we also know some of them will die, its just learning the secrets and the motives that someone would go out of their way to do all of this. Now the culprit of this book was a hot mess, honestly just mind boggling, because why is a grown person going out of their way to get revenge on these 12 kids?
Overall, this was an okay book, the things I didn’t enjoy would be Emily as a character, her decision making was very questionable and also the ending and the culprit was just a head scratcher. I will say I enjoyed the premise of the book and how they were in this confined space with a killer.