KATZENJAMMER By Francesca Zappia
I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Published by Greenwillow Books on 6/28/22
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Horror & Ghost Stories, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 304
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Cat lives in her high school. She never leaves, and for a long time her school has provided her with everything she needs. But now things are changing. The hallways contract and expand along with the school’s breathing, and the showers in the bathroom run a bloody red. Cat’s best friend is slowly turning into cardboard, and instead of a face, Cat has a cat mask made of her own hardened flesh.
Cat doesn’t remember why she is trapped in her school or why half of them—Cat included—are slowly transforming. Escaping has always been the one impossibility in her school’s upside-down world. But to save herself from the eventual self-destruction all the students face, Cat must find the way out. And to do that, she’ll have to remember what put her there in the first place.
Short and Sweet Review
Let me start of with saying this was one of the weirdest books I’ve ever read and I’m still not sure if it was good weird or bad weird. I feel like when people say their on an acid trip that’s what reading this book was like.
Our main character Cat lives in her high school she doesn’t remember how or why that is. Cat isn’t the only one who lives in the high school there are other students and they’re separated based on whether they still look normal or have been “changed.” When students are being murdered Cat takes it upon herself to figure out who’s killing the other students and stop them.
Honestly I don’t even know what was happening it was that trippy. The book goes back and forth between past and present so we can see what Cats life was like before she was stuck in the school and changed. In the present we see that the school is a living entity and some of the students had strange changes or powers. The book was okay I just don’t think it worked, maybe it would have been better if they were trapped in the school and it was the school that was alive and murderous but having the students have cardboard boxes and tentacles for arms just wasn’t it. Overall this was a fast read and definitely one of the strangest books I’ve read this year.