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Resonance by
Erica O'Rourke Series: Dissonance #2 Published by Simon and Schuster Genres: SciFi Source: Publisher
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Resonance is the thrilling sequel to Dissonance and it isn’t a disappointment.
As a Walker between worlds, Del is responsible for the love of her life and the fate of millions. In Dissonance Del risked everything to save Simon, and now he’s gone, off in another world with no way for Del to find him. Del is back at the Consort training to be a Walker like everyone in her family. But the Free Walkers have other plans for her. This rebel group is trying to convince Del that the Consort is evil, and that her parents are unknowingly helping the Consort kill millions of people. The Free Walkers make Del the ultimate promise: if Del joins their fight, she will be reunited with Simon. In agreeing, Del might be endangering her family. But if she doesn’t, innocent people will die, and Simon will be lost forever. The fate of the multiverse depends on her choice.
Del is still grieving from Simon’s departure into a different world, but she refuses to believe he is gone forever. When the Free Walkers reach out to Del and tell her that Simon might be safe, Del wants proof. Del must choose to help the Free Walkers and see Simon – or work for the Consort. With Monty in an oubliette and Lattimer forcing Del to interrogate Monty about the “weapon” the Free Walkers have, Del knows what she will do. Worlds are at stake, lives are at stake, Del’s life is at stake, but nothing will stop her from righting wrongs and stopping the destruction of the multiverse.
I still remember when I read Dissonance and my heart was broken over the ending. It didn’t take long, once I started reading Resonance, for O’Rourke to piece my heart back together. Del finds out that there is a chance that Simon is alive and unharmed; she fights to know more, to find him, and to bring him back. So many secrets are revealed in this book, and many surround Simon.
There were so many twists in this book, so many secrets! A lot of things started to come together and make sense. I Loved it!
In Dissonance Del was impulsive and reckless, but by the end of Resonance, it’s clear that she has matured throughout the series, though she remains impulsive and temperamental. I liked Del in Dissonance, and I liked her in this book. She might be impulsive, but she’s a determined and strong young lady who knows how to make up her mind.
Simon is very much present throughout the book, in one way or another. It’s pretty interesting to see how O’Rourke brings him back into the story, and this occurs fairly quickly. Simon is his usual hilarious, overconfident self, and I love him!
I love the romance between Del and Simon, they’re magical together! And quite steamy, too. Simon is very laid back and a bit cocky, and Del is a rule-breaker and impulsive – the combination is really good! Both of them move worlds to find each other and both of them love with their whole hearts.
I would highly recommend Resonance and if you haven’t read Dissonance then you should read that too! Resonance is now one of my favorite books and Erica O’Rourke is one of my favorite authors! By the way guys this is a duology. Dissonance and Resonance are intriguing, exciting and highly original! Go check these books out!