I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Series: The Vampire Diaries #1
Published by HarperCollins on 3/1/99
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 324
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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A deadly love triangle
Elena: beautiful and popular, the girl who can have any guy she wants.
Stefan: brooding and mysterious, desperately trying to resist his desire for Elena . . . for her own good.
Damon: sexy, dangerous, and driven by an urge for revenge against Stefan, the brother who betrayed him.
Elena finds herself drawn to both brothers . . . who will she choose?
Short and Sweet Review
“You want everybody and everything revolving around Elena Gilbert.”
I don’t even know where to start you guys so I guess I’ll give you a synopsis because the one from the book isn’t great. Elena is starting a new year in high school and then a new student, Stefan arrives. Elena finds herself attracted to Stefan and will do anything to have him. Here’s the thing Stefan doesn’t seem to feel the same way about Elena and he spends most of his time avoiding her. Okay here’s my problem with the book he obviously doesn’t feel the same way about her so what does she do? She spends half of the book moping and trying to come up with ways to get him to like her honestly its ridiculous. Also once he does start talking to her she starts asking him if he loves her. Like what?! He literally just started talking to her and then the next day she asks him “don’t you love me Stefan?” It’s just weird and put me off and anyway we don’t even find out Damon exists until like 60% through the book and its not like she’s drawn to him like the book says, he uses his powers on her to get these reactions from her. This book was hard to get through I couldn’t stand Elena, she was self-centered and even though she might not have thought so she was. The only thing that was different from the show was Elena’s best friends were Bonnie and Meredith, and Caroline was more of an enemy. Would I read the second book? I don’t know I would have to be bored or maybe in a mood to suffer. I don’t understand why I didn’t like this book because I’ve read the Nightworld series by L.J. Smith and loved it, and now I want to go back and see if I still love them or if I’m losing it.